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Home: Welcome
Join Our Community
At Better U Fitness, we believe in only the highest standards of physical fitness training. Since being founded in 2018, our staff members are actively enriching the lives of our members and creating a community of like-minded people who love being healthy, strong, and more in touch with their bodies. Getting you in shape is our goal. Sign up today!

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Home: Classes

Better Not Perfect
When it comes to fitness and nutrition we understand everyone has different goals and aspirations. We're here to help you achieve your personal goals, whether it be losing weight, adding muscle mass, training for a competition or just wanting to be more active. We strive to help you make small, sustainable improvements as you embark on your fitness journey.
Monday - Thursday
4:30am | 5:30am | 6:20am | 9:00am | 4:30pm | 5:30pm
4:30am | 5:30am | 6:20am | 9:00am | 5:00pm
6:30am | 7:45am

Coach Sheena

Coach Marissa
To find out more about our classes give us a call.
Home: Classes

Have questions, comments, compliments or concerns? We’re always here to help. Call or text!
522 Charity Way Modesto, CA 95356 USA
(209) 480-9906
Home: Contact

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